Pure Boost - SOP

Pure Boost-SOP
(Potassium Sulphate)
Pure Boost containing the essential plant nutrient potassium and sulphur. It provides the nutrient potassium which is very much essential and primary for the plant. It helps the plant to withstand in adverse condition.
Field of application:
It is dominantly used as a fertilizer for crops which include tobacco, some vegetables, and fruits. Potassium sulfate is used as a salt substitute.
- Increase water holding capacity
- Make flower and fruit attractive, Ripening
- Protect plant from disease
- Make plant hard and strong
- Increase root formation
Terms of Use:
Grain crop: 2 kg/bigha
Root crop: 4 kg/bigha
Pulse crop: 4 kg/bigha
Spray 5-10 gram of Pure Boost per liter of water (0.5-1.0%) 1 week before flowering and during pod/seed formation at 15 days intervals. Repeat 1-2 times.
Read and follow the instructions on the packet before use.